Chinese people前面要加the吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:39:02
Chinese people前面要加the吗?

Chinese people前面要加the吗?
Chinese people前面要加the吗?

Chinese people前面要加the吗?
例如:Chinese people are fridendly.
例如:The Chinese people who entered the Olimpic Games did a good job.

不用 不是特指就不用。



Chinese people前面要加the吗? 中国人到底有几种表示方法啊,the chinese 还是chinese Chinese people 前面到底要不要加the啊 American people 前面要加The吗? Chinese Paper-cutting前面要加the吗? ort前面加什么(th ch sh) I am a chinese boy.这个 chinese boy前面要加a吗? chinese people前可不可以加the why chinese people and chinese people need to speak english句子这句话要加助动词do么?像这样:why do chinese people and chinese people need to speak english people 和 the peole 有什么不同?什么情况下people 前面要加定冠词the th前面加俩个字母,后面加一字母个能成单词 th前面加3个字母,成单词 people 与定冠词的关系:一般来说people 作为'人,人们' 讲时前面不用the ,当'人民' 讲时则用the people那么如果要特指某一群体的'人们' .可以用 the people (比如 Chinese/ American 当.人讲时 ,一般前面也不 21th April前面加什么介词 The park前面加什么介词 关于people这个词的一个问题..请各位多多指教...The Chinese are a great people.这句话为什么people前加a,而且前面用的是are 请讲详细点, chinese is spoken by a large number of people 为什么spoken后面要加is? My birthday is November 11th. The school trip is September 26th. 这两句话中,日期前面要加on吗? black people 前面加冠词么 people 前面什么时候加冠词 Chinese前面可否加the或aare you a chinese?orare you the chinese?orare you chinese?哪个对?