
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:36:26
“金无足赤,人无完人”这句话告诉我们A.善于发现自己的优点B.勇于承认自己的不足C.看到每个人既有优点,又有缺点D.善于发挥自己的优势 “感冒”一词最初来源于哪里? 谁知道些“泪”的句子?谢. 关于眼泪的句子 类似眼泪是一种提醒这种句子 有怎知此后经年,苍山负雪,浮生未歇,终有变故.只因那一年,陌上花开,正妖娆,阳光独好. 苍山负雪 浮生未歇类似的句子也是激励人的. '我得了感冒' 英语作文50词以上要有中文用第一人称 请问“感冒”这个词是怎么来的? 泪水挂在眼角,想落下来,却又掉不下来,用什么词或句子形容? 请分析句子成分:I would like to come for the football game. would you like to go and()watch a football game whth we tomorrow?括号中要填to吗?为什么?Would you like ___(watch)a football game or ___(read)a book?这个怎么填? 1.观察图形:△▲△▲▲△▲▲▲▲△▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲.,前200个三角形有几个▲?2.甲乙两人在相距120米的直路上来回跑步,甲的速度为3米一秒,乙的速度为5米一秒,如果他们从两端相向出发,那 There is a supermarket in my neighborhood,which isa good place to s Is there a supermarket in the neighborhood是什麽意思快爱爱爱ia His eyes slowly began to focus on what looked like a small dark ball...并且说明focus在句中的意思 所以我们回家了.译英文 The Shanghai-Pudong Express is the fastest train in the word.用The Shanghai-Pudong提问 不好意思,没有船到Anchorage,Alaska,USA 英语翻译. AFTER THE RICH MAN HAD JUST LEFT HOME句子中的JUST是什么意思 26.It is known to all that the US is about the same size as China,but its population is five times _____.as few B.fewer C.as little D.smaller 耶路撒冷为三大宗教的圣地的出处是什么? 耶路撒冷是哪些宗教的圣地 圣经里"make his face shine upon us"一句有什么典故?圣经里的一句话:"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us." 请问其中"make his face shine upon us"一句有什么典故,为什么"脸照耀我们" Mr Wang is busy ____ (clean) the bedroom(用所给单词的适当形式填空) we were busy ____the classroom when mr wang came in 1.with clean 2.cleaning 3.to clean 4.for 用Mr Wang busy is day every标点:.造句 stamp math读音相不相同 即使,终于,按照,况且,把是什么词性A、副词B、介词C、连词D、助词 如何创造快乐 如图所示电路,若闭合开关S,则下列说法正确的是()A.L1,L2都被烧坏B.L1亮,L2不亮C.电压表被烧坏D.电流表被烧坏求详解......