
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:27:05
M:15.6mm S:12mm =多少厘米? wear speical costumes with masks 的中文意思 BENEFITS:If you take care of them,them will(last)a long time and maybe you won"t have to buy new on为啥用last而不用keep? crystal inner wear中文意思化妆品上的英文不认识,1、crystal inner wear 2、moist siiky make-up3、relaxing fresh make-up第一、第二个是不是就是擦脸保湿霜同类的?可以一起擦? 英语翻译Help! 一个长方体的棱长总和是104分米,长是12分米宽是8分米,它的表面积是( )平方分米,体积是( )立方分米 You’d better give them some (warn)before they go thereYou’d better give them some (warn)before they go therewarning还是warnings 翻译Nowadays you are lucky if they don't fall apart before you get them home. 为什么用taught而不用having been taught?Taught to behave well,my sister and I respected other people,regardless of their age or color. wear翻译中文 The artist to whom the headmaster gave a prize is the teacher by whom I have been taught for 2 years翻译 ①、一桶油,用去了四分之一,还剩9升,已经用去了多少升?②、一套运动服售价280元.其中裤子的售价是上衣的三分之二,上衣售价多少元?③、一根彩带,第一次用去全长的五分之二,第二次用去14 当x=2,y=9,求代数式(x+y)+(2x+y/1×2)+(3x+y/2×3)+...+(9x+y/8×9)的值.已知a+2b=5,a-b=3,求代数式(a^2+2ab)+(1-b)(a+2b)的值.已知代数式2014x^3+2013x+2012,当x=π-1时,代数式的值为2,则当x=1-π时,此代数式的值为多少?已 1.国家一级保护的兽类有23种,比二级的多77%,二级保护的有多少种?2.国家二级保护的鸟类有9种,一级比二级少三分之二.一级保护的有多少种?3.一把半径15厘米的半圆形扇子,边沿包上塑料带,接头 I think it is good to eat an apple every day,______?A)do I B)don't I C)is it D)isn't it it's good for us(to eat)an apple every day.括号里为什么要那样填?可不可以填eating? say it with PINKBOX是什么意思? I haven't been back to the island是什么时态?为什吗要用been? losers are always in the lovers are always in the wrong最好能用英语也解释他的意思 英语求翻译:Right always beats wrong in the end We are always in the wrong time,wrong place, let's go for it take off one's costumes中文take off one's costumes(中文)____________________________ He takes off his riancoat.这句中的take off的take为什么是用复数? You always know I am wrong怎么翻译 Loves you, always is wrong?Likes not understanding own person, is worth? Shall we go there on foot instead of driving a car?A.sounds goodB.I think soC.well done 把一篮苹果分给4人使4人的苹果数一个比一个多2,且他们的 苹果 个 数的 乘积是1920,这蓝苹果一 多少个?有过程 把一篮苹果分给四人,使4人的苹果一个比一个多二,个数之积是1920,这篮苹果共几个 一篮苹果分给4个人,使4人苹果数一人比一人多2个,且他们苹果数的乘积是1920,苹果数是多甥