
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:40:40
人的一生最后悔的事,让人可以后悔终生 many a teacher and many a student_______taken part in the stormy discussion. A.have B.has我知道一个many a 连接单数名词,表复数意义,单数位于动词用单数.单数两个many a 用and 连接呀?要很确定的回答.我看过类似 Many students go to the beach and enjoy_____ 急求全新版大学英语综合教程1课后习题答案(完整版) 为啥日晷晷针都要和地轴平行呢 如何摆放日晷? 宏观硬度和表面硬度有什么区别?除了上述的硬度,还有其他什么硬度么?他们之间的关系如何? HRC30硬度有多硬?另外还有什么硬度,他们的硬度区别是什么? 某物质硬度是2.5到3是咋意思,那大概是多硬啊? 用六厘的钢筋拉丝压成3厘的硬度大些还是压成2厘的硬度大些?还是一样的硬度?长度都是五厘米. 求全新版大学英语综合教程第二册(上海外语教育出版社)的课后习题答案.为方便日后手机浏览,还请不要仅仅给个链接,尽量直接弄过来, 一个英语单词:自信,要形容词 古代有哪些日晷 意思是自信的形容词有哪些?我怀揣着______的心态走向赛场(填表示自信的形容词) 日晷是古时测时的仪器,由晷针和什么组成? There ____ many students in the library after school every day.A.has B.have C.is D.are 2道英语单选难题have sth do,have sth done,have sth doing的意思及区别?All the people are against wars.They think war starters will lift a stone only to have it (dropped) on their own feet.根据中文drop是不是落的意思,那石头落 There are many students_____(read)in reading room.应该用read还是reading呢?Call me why! How many girls students are there in the Reading Club和How many bottles of Coke in the fridge为什么前一句要加are there 后一句却不要呢?我是菜鸟 英语单选难点It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle,____cut off,as a container to grow young plants in.A.of which the top B.the top is C.the top of which D.with its top解释与框剪结构 There're many students in the classroom.____ are drawing,____ are reading.A some; otherB some ;othersC One ;another D Some ;some other --How many students are there in the reading room --_____.A No one.B None .C Nobody .D Nothing 什么是你人生中最重要的? 全新版大学英语综合教程1~4册电子教案(上外的)能不能发给我一份?急用. 求全新版大学英语综合教程1~4册电子教案(上外的) 求全新版大学英语综合教程的听力材料! 求全新版大学英语综合教程MP3高分悬赏!全新版大学英语mp3 上海外语教育出版社 第一课是Growing up!还要每课textB的小短文听力 第一课是SUMMER READING 光盘copy不下来 可不可以直接给我mp3? Every year many ___ (visit) come to visit the Great Wall 填什么,为什么 Many foreigners come to visit the Great Wall every year改为同义句? Many people come to visit the great wall ,______(其中大多数是外国人) 独立主格结构请解释 解释一下。。我觉得很多都是定语从句啊。。觉得都不对 2道英语单选.excuse me .could you please tell me which gate _____?A.we have to go to b.we had to go to C.do we have to go D.did we have to go to The scientist tried his best to make his view ____A.to understand B.understand C.understood D.underst 2道英语单选1 how many students are there in your shoool?________the students in our school___ over two thousand 是用 a number of 还是 the number of ··· 原因··2 I kown he is looking to ___to Egypet A reach B out visiting C our visit D