来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:17:53
she does not know london very well and she lost her way 变一般疑问句 Remember not to speak loudly here.是答Yes,I will还是Sorry,I won't do that again. Don’t be late for school again,Tim.----Sorry,I promise that I won’t/will.Don’t forget to come to my party on Sunday afternoon.Jenney.---I won’t/will. Don't do that again,neither will I这句话对吗 带火字的成语有哪些 I feel not very well这句话对不对?另i feel very well 关于墙的作文可以写墙如人生中的困难么? 关于墙的作文!急求! 作文 墙的故事切勿复制粘贴 水平一般 修改病句我肯定明天大概要下雪 he/not/know/very/ltaly/well/does组合成句子 10.he doesn't feel very well(改为同意句) he ___ ____very well He does speak very well这句话对吗,为什么句子中有does he does not feel well为什么用well不用good ,他们都有adj的意思啊 修改病句:我断定在不久的将来我可能有很大的变化 修改病句;人口问题不久将是将来最严重的问题. 选择题don't do that again.you should follow the rules.请写上选择的原因don't do that again.you should follow the rules.___________.A.sorry,i don't B.OK,i won't C.sorry,i won't D.all right.i won't 什么地形适合发展种植业?什么地形适合发展林业?什么地形适合发展畜牧业?什么地形适合生产茶叶? ——I did not go to the movie last night because of the rain.——What a pity!If I had got theticket,I ____it.A.wouldn't have missed B.wouldn't missed求详解, 从地形上看,我国以种植业为主的地区主要分布在:A平原 B山地 C高原 D丘陵 -what do you think of the film last night?-Not so good.In fact,I've never seen a worse one before.为什么用worse.one before是什么意思 中国东部地区的地形以什么为主,如:山地、平原、盆地、丘陵等 What do you think of the movie that we saw last night?It ____ me so much as that one.A.is interested inB.isn't interested inC.interestsD.doesn't interest do you know what ____to end the skrike last night?A was doing B was done C is doing D is done 作文 有关于“墙”的以“墙”为话题,写一篇作文,给你一段文字:墙,是大家所熟悉的事物.生活中有物质的墙,如土墙,砖墙,人墙,篱笆墙花墙,城墙等.也有精神的墙,如沟通的障碍,做人的原则, 找关于墙的作文 给我一个思路 或者题材也好当然给我一篇"墙"的作业更好了 明天会不会下雪 北京明天会不会下雪阿我老公本来今天飞去北京在转机去迪拜的.上午因为下大雪飞机现在还不能起飞.就打算坐火车去北京.刚查天气预报也没说北京明天会下雪.到底会不会下阿.下雪会不会 明天会下雪吗 明天下雪吗?谁答我给谁分 Why have you donr that in a different way from others Sorry,I think I ___ yourWhy have you donr that in a different way from others Sorry,I think I ___ your instructions clearly.A.didn't hearB.wasn't hearingC.haven't heardD.don't hear 英语翻译对不起,我不觉得我对消息不灵通.(我的消息是灵通的)大概是这个意思吗?还是,我觉得自己消息不灵通.现在脑子有点被自己绕晕了.自己觉得是双重否定,表示肯定!