
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:23:03
你看可以吗用英语怎么说is that__ __ you? 当你打电话询问对方是谁时,你可以说_________ (选择A还是B) A.Who are you B.Who is that 到定点(0,-1/2)和定直线y=1/2的距离相等的点的轨迹方程 如图,在直角坐标系中,每条横线和竖线代表一条路,小明从学校(点O)放学回家(点P),沿途依次经过超市C,书店B,邮局A,请你画出最短的路径,用点的坐标表示依次经过的十字路口,请问最短路 请问3A跟3B的证书一样吗? 3A和3B文凭有什么差别,3A和3B最大的差别在哪里? 数学证明题.设a 已知a^2/3+b^2/3=4,x=a+3a^1/3b^2/3,y=b+3a^2/3b^1/3,证明:(x-y)^2/3+(x+y)^2/3的值与x、y的取值无关 一句英文求各位大侠帮忙After June 30,2013,a drivermay not take an off-duty period to restart the calculation of 60 hours in 7 consecutive days or70 hours in 8 consecutive days until 168 or more consecutive hours have passed since thebeginni 73*26*24简便方法怎么做 英语翻译请不要拿词典工具翻译 有的会翻译错了 1.为了在天黑前到达,我们早早动身2.那房子就在下雨拐角处,你不会找到的3.他们对我的询问很快做出了答复4.顺便问一下你收到那封信了吗5. 英语翻译Linear movement of conrods is translated into the rotary motion of the crankshaft by a central sliding bearing TWO:Fill in the blanks with"notice"or"pay attention to"in their correct forms:A 1、If you___what he said,you could have avoided repeating such a had mistake.2、Mr.White didn't know I was in his office.He was too busy to___me.3.On the way home from 鲟鱼鱼子酱怎么做 1.It rained all day yesterday._____________?2.She is a beautiful lady.____________?3.They were in college five years ago______________?4.She had lunch at school.________________?5.Mr.Green has a big house with a rice garden.___________?举例:It's “新华书店位于邮局和超市之间.”的英文怎么写?SOS!Xin Hua library between the post office and the shop. 题号:18 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:The men were provided ______ blankets against the cold.选项:a、by b、 with c、 at d、 for 题号:19 题型:单选题(请在以下几个 超市、书店、玩具店依次坐落在一条东西走向的大街上,超市在书店西边20m处,玩具店位于书店东边50m处.小明从书店出来沿街向东走了50m,接着又向东走了-80m,此时小明的位置在何处?在数轴上标 《林琴南友菜佣》一文中“以供甘旨外”的“以”什么意思,要准确翻译 单项选择1.It is not easy____ a foreign language.A.to learn B.learning C.for learning D.learn2.Would you please show us where____?A.going to B.to go C.go D.going3.He got up early___ the early bus.A.to catch B.catching C.caught D.catch 4.Have you g 2/3a-(2/3a-2/3b)-3/4b 鱼子酱是什么?法国名菜中的一个. 已知数列{an}的前n项和为Sn.对任何n属于N*都有Sn=2/3an-1/3,若1﹤Sk﹤9(k属于N*),则k的值------ the boy laughed and cried ___ ___ ___ ___ 这四个空填 at the same time好一些还是填from time to time好一些?为什么? 1.---------------of the day,the teacher was very happy.(在.结尾)2.----------------of last term,they had learnt500 words.(到...末为止)3.Walk along the road ------------,you can find the bank on your right.(到尽头)4.We waited a lo 2012*20112011-2013*20122012 关于在从句中which和that如何选择profit is a complex thing that is a function of expense and revenue,为什么这里用that不用which,还是两者都可以但是在word改错功能里,是把它改作为which的,而且不是一次碰到 which,that在从句中的区别 数学家的一身的成长故事? 这是哪一部动漫啊,貌似有触手内容,女主角胸口还能有触手伸出,男主角总是躲在旁边看 文言文《清稗类钞》闽县林琴南,快 whose who that which的简单用法和区别?举个栗子:I am writing a letter to Rose,___ father works in a bankA、whose B、who C、that D、which这道题是考察哪个语法点求别讲宾语谓语关系副词什么的,我都听不懂来的,