
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 12:24:48
应天(古代城市)现在叫什么,洛邑现在叫什么,大都现在叫什么这些都是古代的城市 以前古代的地方是现在那些城市京口【 】大都【 】长安【 】洛邑【 】瓜州【 】汴州【 】 我英语六级以上水平,但没证书,能利用它谋生吗? where did you where did you go 盼知情的朋友教我! 我要写怎样学好初中生物学,最好300字左右,我不知道怎么写(我是初中新生),有提纲,如果是提纲请告诉我那个部分内容具体该写什么, 书上有几句话我不理解.或者说有些名称我不知道.非同源染色体上的非等位基因随非同源染色体的自由组合发生重组同源染色体上的等位基因会随非姐妹染色单体的交换而发生交换导致染色 There are lots and lots to see改病句只有are.and.to see可以改 生物学的好 大三,英语CET6在平时完全没准备的情况下也考过了,想再考下其他的英语证书,比如BEC,可行不,报啥等级的好,自学的话可以不.CET6口语优秀的话社会认可度高吗 You __ have my computer if you don't take care of it.A.shall not B.might not c.needn't D.shouldn't Though you failed this time,don't give up______ (study) .You still have a lot of chances.填正确的形式, 次序颠倒,意思还是一样的词,如:询问——问询 we have a (n ) classmate.he came from no.one middle school那啥.括号里填一个单词. we have a new classmate from india well 仙人掌作文(样子,生活习性,生长地方,作用) 仙人掌有哪些习性?请写出一篇作文最好以第一人称写,例如:我是...类仙人掌 大青虫在几点 可以抽到A车黑夜转说?A车黑夜转说 I want to sharpen my pencil是什么意思 仙人掌的身体特征? 仙人掌根的特征请说出仙人掌的根、茎的特征和用途栽种方法和栽种要求 名人传之米开朗琪罗主要内容 Where did you go?where是宾语? go you did whereeating he a banbana ia an orange onwhat you would like Christmas forI taller ia Tom think连词成句 WANT,yours,with,can't,ones,but,thanks,pencil-box,come,only,frieng,on填空where ie my pencil-box?i_______find itthere are ______in our teacher's room.let's go and have a lookOK.thank youis any one___?yes,yes,the one____a bird on it.that's great!_____ 英语翻译中——英 我们根本不可能做到,英文翻译,要准确的如题 谢谢 be different from 的反义词 the same as 的否定应该怎么写 they don't know that music can make me relaxed_____a day of hard work at schoolA.after B.when C.before D.with He was so e____ that he could do such hard work. 上楼梯是 go upstairs 下楼梯直接是downstairs?还是go downstairs?