
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:27:14
young teacher started teaching English ______.The young teacher started teaching English ______.A.for three years B.in three years C.three years ago D.more than three years 选好了, (同义句转换)He joined the English club tow years ago. 104.同义句转换. 3.He joined the English Club in 2005.104.同义句转换.3.He joined the English Club in 2005.He ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ the English Club ____ 2005. He joined the club in 2000.=He _ _ _ the club _ 2000.=He _ _ _ _ _ the club _ seven years.=_ _ _ seven years _ he joined the club.=Seven years _ _ _ he joined the club. different types 急!英语作文!MY math' teacher我数学老师姓钟,中年男子.他有时很很幽默,但有时很严肃.他有时…看不清近处的事物就会带上老花镜…偶尔上课讲些话惹得同学哄堂大笑…但会很快严肃起来…拜托 保甲法或者制度的发展演变? 保甲制度哪个朝代开始的? 西周时期有保甲制度了吗? 北宋时期王安石变法中一项措施“保甲法”与抗日战争时期蒋介石施行的“保甲制度”有何异同? 为啥王安石变法措施中,最能体现其阶级属性的是保甲法? 江湖救急,f(2x^3+1)/(x-1)^100dx,(求X-1的100次方分之2x的3次方+1的不定积分)要使用变量代换方法 Different types of ice creamI am doing a project and I need different types of ice cream in ENGLISH!For example,Rocky Road is a type.I need different types all around the world.Please also give me descriptions for each.Thanks a million! 谁能写一篇different types of friends.的文章? 中国历史上长得最帅的人是谁? My dream job 作文 写teacher的 小学四年级水平 我没有一点英语基础要那方面提高自己(口语)偶是做行李员想学口语要从那方面才可以提高口语 改错A few weeked late,she died in a car accident.A boy fell down a tree and broke his leg. 如何判断疑问句的主语如题.在宾语从句里面.是不是只要是疑问词当主语的.从句就用陈述语句?那怎么分辨那个疑问词是不是主语? 帮我判断这句疑问句的主语What is the environment around this place like?(这里周围的环境怎么样?)主语是谁?为什么? 潘安是中国历史上最帅的男人吗?说一个人很帅 都说 貌比潘安 他是哪朝代人 有什么不为人知的故事 求解这道英语题怎么做 要说明原因-what did you have for___lunch?-oh,i went to my aunt's this morning and had__great lunch thereA the;a B 不填;a C 不填;the D the;the 我是不是最帅的男人? 请说明原因The people in that country have pretty __(relax) rules about time-ed还是-ing? 英语 找出句中错误的句子I'm watch my classmate.He is eat bananas.She counting butterflies.We reading books now. 请说明原因为了节约用电,许多楼房走廊的照明灯安装了声光控开关,使用一段时间后人们发现灯泡容易损坏,于是有人用2个40W的灯泡串联后代替原来的1个40W灯泡接在原处,达到了延长灯泡使用 下面几句英语句子有没有错误?要怎么改?Remember,don't let people who love you down,more important is,don't let yourself down. what is it 和 what it is 有何区别只要在从句中就必定用what it is么?不论什么从句``? 宋初杯酒释兵权等一系列加强中央集权的措施有什么作用 列举明清时期为加强中央集权而采取的措施 为加强中央集权宋太祖及宋初统治者还采取了哪些措施 宋初强化中央集权导致了怎样的弊端?