
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:55:45
it is kind of you 英语翻译帮忙把下面这段话翻译成阿拉伯语:免费打样(免费制作样品),或者最好能翻译:免费制作阿拉伯头巾样品. What.do.you.thing.of.china?(该为同义句)提示:横线do you横线Chian 英文句子改错:Is there any dogs in the box._______A____ _B____ _C___ 英语题1.The ____ i s over there. A.ships B.sheep C.dogs2.Those are the _____books.A . teachers' B . teachers C . teacher拜托各位大哥哥大姐姐,解释一下行吗 中翻英的软件有哪些 金山词霸除外 How about a cup of coffee at that coffee shop?转换为同义句 谁可以帮我总结一下高二历史的基础知识? 人教版 世界近代现代史上 的总结 要全本的 Who put the love Who put the sniper in your 网站翻译出来的一个跟一个不一样,有没有个文化人, who put the flower on the teacher's desk的意思 who ( ) (put)the storybook in the bookcase 括号里填什么 eraser前加a还是an? black eraser前加an 还是a Would you please____(move)your bike away?It's in the way do you mind ------(move)away the bike 用所给单词的适当形式填空 the clothes He can away put(连词成句) put away the clothes是什么意思 几道英语句型转换1.These flowers need watering or they will die.(同义句)2.It seems that he hasn't many friends. what's the 什么 of her birthday cake求学ba We'll have to move.的否定句 We'll have to leave,___?(反意疑问句) We have to put them in the dust bin. (put)the rubbish in the bin,please.用所给动词的适当形式填空. 改错:You'd better not to put anything hot into the rubbish bin l must put the______in the bin put the rubbish in the rubbish bin (改为否定句,但意思不变) What about _______ (have) coffee in the Starbucks? It’s an eraserEight怎么改成特殊疑问句对an eraser提问 If you don’t take away all your things from the desk,there won’t be enough______for my stationeryA.area B.place C.room D.surface其他选项为什么不选? If you don’t take away your things from the desk,there won’t be enough ______ for my stationery.(上海2000)A.area B.place C.room D.surface为什么选C不选D呢,桌面不是一个表面吗?