
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:16:56
麻烦帮我分析一下英语定语从句的句子成分并还原定语从句,下午急用1.St Petersburg is a very beautiful city.It was once called Leningrad.2.I remember the soidier.He told me not to tell anyone what I had seen.3.The soldiers mov 急~麻烦帮我把这些句子改为定语从句,谢谢!1.Hangzhou is a famous city in China.Many people come to buy tea in that city.2.She got so angry.I don't know the reason.3.The old man saw some Germans taking apart to a old man.4.The woman rem 定语从句,求解析下列句子She’s the student whose handwriting is the best in our class.I live in the room whose window faces the south.请问这两句的关系词(whose)为什么要用whose?为什么不能用who? 英语翻译1.这本书比那本书长两倍 2.汽车的总产量比去年增加了两倍 3.我昨天带来放在书架上的一本新的汉英成语词典,对翻译很有帮助 4.她坚持要买下那条项链,尽管她不需要 英语翻译采用的是什么手法等 将2句句子合并成有定语从句的句子题:Rewrite each pair of sentences,using the retrictive or non-restrictive attributive clase.1.if you take a walk around the city,you will find some teengers.the teengers are overweight.2.you minght oft 把两个定语从句改为简单句This was a time when the two countries were at war.In 1770 the room was complete the way she wanted. 将下列每一组中的两个简单句合并为一个定语从句,用第二个句子作定语. 急!1. Monday is the day. We will come on that day.2. He arrived in Shanghai that day. On the same day I left.3. July is the month. The weather is usually 把含有定语从句的句子改为两个简单句1.Now,the water,which was cold as ice and flowed faster than a river,was above her knees.2.Flora,whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet,stared crying. 1.将下列句子改为同义句 2.将下列各题的简单句合并为含有定语从句的复合句1.No matter where i go ,i will never forget my hometown.__ __ __,i __ always remember my hometown.My monther has run out of money.My monther __ __ __ 国父孙中山先生为中国做出了哪些重要的贡献啊? 孙中山和华盛顿为什么被尊称为国父 当时人们认为可将孙中山,华盛顿并称“东西两国父”的共同原因是什么 华盛顿、孙中山、被称为国父的主要理由分别是什么(都用一句话) 反意疑问句中,什么时候用has反问,什么时候用does反问? He has few friends ,does he?He has a few friends ,doesn't he?两句反意疑问句都对吗 MAY 反意疑问句怎么反问,有无特殊情况,有无要注意的地方, 反意疑问句 he has few friends ,疑问部分为什么是 has he 而不是does he?remember to spend some time ( )your loved ones,because they’re not going to be around forever。是填on还是with?5.3语法全解的答案是with(答案 反意疑问句中,everything是否用it进行反问? 中国的国父是孙中山,那清朝的国父是谁,明朝,元朝呢? 用do does have has 各造一个一般疑问句 肯否定回答 陈述句 是用do does have has 造 一般疑问句及其肯否定回答和陈述句 一般疑问句用do/does回答还是have回答?题目没写明白,She has a phone.变成否定句是She has not a phone还是She doesn't have a phone?如果都可以,那有什么区别吗?是不是have not 和be+not都可以吗?还是只能是be+n 反义疑问句,用do,does,be动词,have或者has四个造句 句子have/has ‘有’,变否定句在have/has后加not,变疑问句时将have/has提前.请问能加助动词do/does吗? 变反义疑问句时have has做谓语时助动词用do did does.have has分别与do did does那个对应?快 找一句名言之前看到一句名言,意思大概是“你总说你很‘忙’,只是因为你的能力不够,不能拥有属于自己的时间”,作者忘了, 为什么不叫毛泽东为国父,而却叫孙中山为国父呢? 孙中山与毛泽东谁是国父我认为孙中山是中华民国之父;毛泽东是中华人民共和国之父.不知大家是否同意?野猪云鹏. Judy has two big eyes.改为一般疑问句 We have three maths classes a week.(写出此句的特殊疑问句)______ ______ ______classes ______you have a week?three划横线 1.I (go to the zoo) (once a week) 改成否定句;一般疑问句;对括号内的单词提问2.He (watches TV) (every day) 改成否定句;一般疑问句;对括号内的单词提问 She goes statebording once a week(改为一般疑问句)