
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:11:27
I'll give my life to be near you in every way For I have nothing left to be here on this earth toda我英语差啊太多不知道了急用 . 英语,宾格主语等等根据提示,完成下列表格.(因表格在这里画不出来)(空的地方填写)he his her I my mys 英语主语的补语的判断1.I saw her with them,at least ,I thought it was her.2.Who broke the vase?--Me3.John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she.请说明这三句话中的主语的补语,并说出判断它是主语补语的 英语中,表语也可以叫做主补,补语也可以修饰主语,那么,主补和修饰主语的补语是不是一个概念呢? 英语-主语补语John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was (she).I saw her with them,at least,I thought it was (her).这两个句子中的主语补语为什么不同? 徐良goodbye my love 前面那段英文?对了、还有中间的那两句英文和中文意思、、 英语辨析 have a rest take a restShe feels like ______a rest after climbing the mountain.A takeing B having 1999年3月以美国为首的北约对主权国家南联盟进行长时间的轰炸,这一事实表明A、冷战掩盖下的民族矛盾已成为当今世界最严重的问题B、当今世界出现和平与动荡并存的局面C、美国推行霸权 take a rest 和have a rest 刺杀美国前总统肯尼迪的凶手是谁? Table manners in China为题写10个句子 约翰肯尼迪为什么能成为美国历史上支持率最高的总统? 《凡卡》中凡卡回忆了乡下的哪两个情景? "心疼”是什么意思? 心酸 什么意思 凡卡第六自然段是按什么顺序来写景物的,先写什么,后写什么 凡卡第六段写了哪些景物 凡卡 那课描写景那段有什么好处回答好了有分 凡卡中第6自然段是按照从( )到( )的顺序写的.快,1分钟之内回答,我的悬赏高. 为什么说巴以冲突是美国的核心利益? 第一位美国黑人总统不是"约翰-肯尼迪"吗?我记得美国第一位黑人总统是"约翰-肯尼迪"!为什么是奥巴马呢? You'll a ture love of take the books 求助英语句子where there is考试一紧张,写了个句子where there is education,information comes.是不是很严重的错误啊.现在凌乱了还有,四级的翻译题目,名词和形容词用反了,单复数混乱,是不是扣分很严重 where there is a ______(willing ),there is a waywhere there is a ______(willing ),there is a waythis book is so______(bored).I don't want to read one more page of it. where there is a willing hand,there is a warmth. 英语中几个音节算是多音节 英语音节写出含有下列读音的单词(五个)【z】【iz】think中的音节单词(五个)this中的音节单词(五个)【aU】(两个)below中的音节单词(两个)boy中的音节单词(两个)答了有二十分额 We can even bring in books and magazines from home.为什么要加介词in,不是bring sth to bring in 和 bring什么区别 书上有一句We can even bring in books and magazines from home .讲清楚点 We can bring in books and magazines from home and s_ them each other首字母填空We‘re h__than any oher students in the world Wake Me Up When September