
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:48:55
法律关系是以现行法律存在为前提的社会关系什么意思 Why don't you have a party on your birthday同义句__ __ __ a party on your birthday?__ __ having a party on your birthday 南京大屠杀时日军用了什么手段来杀我们的中国同胞 香港是个很好的旅游去处Hong Kong is a __place to ___ 成语,俗语,典故中有“三”字.并表示多或少 古人常人用"三“字形容”多“或”少“,如”猿鸣三声沾泪裳“.请你也举出两个含”三"字的成语或典故. 有没有成语,俗语,或典故来形容这种情况?a做了坏事,自知逃不过指责和惩罚,于是诬陷b,说b是我的共犯,企图让b也遭罪. 等差数列中Sm=n,Sn=m,求Sm+n简单方法 sm开头的单词sm开头的英文单词 1、It was not until midnight _______ the reached the camp site.AthatBwhen2、My most famous relative of all,_____ who really left his mark on America,was Reb Sussel,my great-grandfather.[ ] B.the oneD.someone 紫色的这种花是什么花?zhe [-B12] It was not until midnight _______ the reached the camp site.A.thatB.whenC.whileD.as翻译并分析 紫色的花有哪些 (要全面的)紫色的花有哪些 (要全面,详细的,最好可以说完整) It was midningt ___they reached the camp side.A that B when C while D as是强调句型么 英语翻译could have done something 与 should have done something有什么区别? 请翻译 I don't see how I could have done any differently from what I have.并说明时态和翻译的思路 举出两个含“三”的词,其意义是表多数或少数的成语,俗语或典故 举出4个含“三”的成语,其含义也是表多数或少数的成语.俗语.典故等知者快回答 p开头A结尾的单词 sl开头的英文单词后面要5个字母 was it midnight -----you arrived home by taxi? A. that B. at which C. the time D. when 为什么不选AC was it midnight -----you arrived home by taxi? A. that B. at which C. the time D. when为什么不选B, was it midnight -----you arrived home by taxi?A.that which C.the time D.when为什么不能选 it was midnight ____ he arrived when or that?还是两个都行? 1.Was it at ten last night _____ you arrived home?A.that B.which C.when D.where2.The old man is ____ thankful that he almost comes to tears.A.such C.very 3.I saw Mary _____ a green dress at the meeting.A.dressed B.put on C.wearing D. 英文句子 I could not have done this without you为什么要+have?和I could not done this without you有什分别? 和 ∴将一块正六边形硬纸片(图1),做成一个底面仍为正六边形且高相等的无盖纸盒(侧面均垂直于底面,见图2),需在每一个顶点处剪去一个四边形,例如图1中的四边形AGA/H,那么∠GA/H的大小 几何问题,有过程 请问:travel意为旅行时,是可数名词还是不可数名词?请各位帮我将journey、voyage、trip、tour、travel的用法(请说明是动词还是名词,是可数名词还是不可数名词,是及物动词还是不及物动词,以及 空间为题写作文空间为题 怎样在博客里写作文 写作文,来帮我.日记