
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:19:35
build的名词 build 的名词形式 build用作名词时可数吗 汶川地震是怎样因起的.. build名词 汶川地震何时发生? 汶川地震原因是什么时候的事了 Yan Ming is such a tall man that it isYan Ming is such a tall man that it is difficult to find a bed to____him in most hotels.A.suit B.match C.fit D.work jack chats with his girlfirend online once a week.对once如何提问? she helps with housework maybe once a week 改为同意句she( )( ) with housework once a week Jack has dinner with his grandparents once a week (改否定)Jack___ ___ dinner with his grandparents once a week.doesn't have为什么是doesn't 为什么不是hasn‘t Jim with his mother_____(go)to the zoo once a month If you want to renew the book,you must ___it back for that.take carryputbring If he wants to renew the book,he must ___ it back for that.A.take B.fetch C,bring D.carry请说一下选哪个以及为什么, --Must I renew the book now?-No,you _____.You _________ that before2.--Must I renew the book now?-No,you _____.You _________ that before the deadline.A.mustn't; should do B.needn’t; should have doneC.may not; should do D.can't; should have done想 must i renew the book now no,you_.you__that before the deadlineA needn't;should have done B can' should have done 选什么 为么 这句话么意思答案上选b,是不是答案错了 【只有你、才是莪的专属】的英文翻译 哈利波特中所有的专属名词(要英汉互译的那种)比如说:霍格沃兹、古灵阁、狼人、食死徒之类的什么的……谢谢啦! I was so sincerely want to have a good love you,but you pushed me away again and again.I miss you like crazy,but now I spelled a life to forget.翻译成英文 英语翻译I might even keep a pet parrot 水平有限,几句话请帮忙翻译下,谢谢!以下一些问题请帮忙证实请确认这个订单我们仍然使用跟之前其他订单相同的外箱标记.不需要放入说明书对吗? 这些产品底部需要粘贴条形码吗?还是价格 急,翻译句子(20分钟后关)初中以上水平均可进.1,When you are under stress,your muscles become tense,so go ahead and relax those muscles.2,People experience stress throughout their lives.3,Deep breathing slows down your heart rate an 如题 英语翻译 这几句话怎么翻译 急 必给好评 英语翻译桂林山水以其独特,秀丽而被世人称颂.而桂林的山水美最美是漓江.漓江是世界上最美的画廊,是中国风景线上的一颗明珠,是桂林旅游的高潮所在.游览漓江,有一个绝妙之处,就是不愁 英语翻译งานตรูมมมม2008年10月16日 上午9:33 อยากบอกว่าตอนนี้งานเ 一道英语选择题How are the shoes I bought you yesterday?——To be honest.要原因,——How are the shoes I bought you yesterday?——To be honest,they don't fit.They___my feet.A.are hurtingB.Will hurtC.would hurtD.had hurt the mass Leeds的advertising and marketing和Leicester的Mass communications,该读哪个?我收到了这两个offer,Leeds的是advertising and marketing,Leicester的是mass communications,我该选哪个?很多人说Leicester虽然比Leeds排名靠前,但是 the advertising affiliate 是什么 foreign w 4