
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 19:41:46
请英语高手帮我!为什么下列句子能用两种时态表示1.how did you know that I was/am peter?2.she said she was/is going tomorrow.3.the teacher said that money was not/is not everything.4.did you say you had/have no money left? ( )5.Ben:I want to buy a new football.Mum:___ go to the City Centre .Ben:How ___ get thereA.We,are we going to B.Let's ,do we want toC.you ,do we want to D.Let's ,are we going to Things for me have been going ok.觉得第二个读着顺就选了 谢谢第一个阿 God help those who help themselves是什么意思? there _____ (be) four buildings built already in our school.是填have been 还是has been God help those who help themselves! Do you mind my __(smoke)in the office?找错并改正 .If you want to go to the centre of Beijing from the zoo,you may take the u_____. 2.Do you mind if I smoke in the office?---- ( ) A.Good idea B.Yes.I’d rath applicant什么意思 applicant是什么意思 PAYG applicant是什么意思,payslip呢? applicant letter是什么意思 帮我解决几道题(答对有赏,x-(7分之6-14分之5)=3分之12x+2分之1=2分之12x-8分之7=1-8分之72x-5分之3=1-5分之3x-(3分之2+4分之1)=12分之11一个数的2杯与2分之26的和等于10与3又5分之4的差1求这个数. 大家帮帮忙,帮我解决一道题!赏5分!有些表示人体某个部位名称的词,常常被借用来比喻一种引申的意义.请你照样子,先写出其比喻引申的意义,再造句.例:手足—兄弟 (曹丕不顾手足之情, I wonder if you mind by playing the guitar.这句话对不 是不是要把by 换成my? I wonder ( ) you would mind heiping me. 括号里应该填什I wonder ( ) you would mind heiping me. 括号里应该填什么? 2011年5月份的CATTI口译三级什么时候能查成绩?怎么查? 西班牙语中un poco和un poco de的区别 YA LO NOTO UN POCO 西班牙语中POCO是什么意思啊如题, The strawberry tastes sour.(一般疑问句) 音乐术语(un 韩信的武功厉害吗?我们都知道韩信的军事才能,在当时几乎是无人能及的,他指挥军队的本事是公认的,打仗没有败绩.但是作为一个在战场上百战百胜的一代名将,他的武功好吗?他因为是主帅, july` s to heaven是什麼意思?RT come a bit closer and you'll be able to see better.动词come是不及物动词呀!为什么后面直接跟冠词和名词?vi+prep/adv+宾语vt+n./pron+adv 或者vt+adv+n这里的bit前面有冠词应该就是名词啊!求解答啊···· Especially 英语读音谢谢 2009上半年CATTI什么时候报名? 2011年的CATTI德语翻译什么时候考? 有关especially的一句英文的断句.For example,I should try to improve my English especially my spoken English in order that I can introduce Beijing to the foreigners better.这句话怎么断句呢.要在哪里打逗号?IN ORDER TO DO?.可这 bigbang组合 中文名叫什么?